Mahabharat Episode 4 - 19th sep 2013

The episode starts with Amba demanding that Bheeshma marry her. Bheeshma tries to explain that he had gone to Kaashi as a representative of the throne and not for himself and he cannot marry because of his vow. Amba says that’s what she wants him to burn in the sin of breaking his vow.
Satyavati intervenes and says that Bhessma had gone to Kaashi on her behest. That she had sent him as a representative. Amba says just the way a fisherman catches fish and someone else eats it. Maybe this is the repercussion of making a fisherwoman the empress. The Mantri screams as Amba foe speaking in this way but satyavati tells him to let Amba speak.
Satyavati tells her that Bheesma had brought Ambika and Ambalika to wed Vichitraveerya and that path is open to her too. But Amba refuses . She says that only marrying bheesma will reduce her pain as only that will be just
Satyavati points out that what Amba wants is Revenge not Justice
Amba says that yes she wants revenge as only revenge is just. She says she will go to each and every kindpm and ask for help. She will bring in a huge force against Bheeshma

Amba starts to go. Satyavati remarks that no one in Aryavrat will listen to Amba as no one has the guts to raise weapon against Bheesma
Bheesma stops Amba and says that no one will dare fight him. If she wants justice she should go to his guru. Bhagvan Parshuram. Foe if he has done any sin then only Parshuram has the power to punish and him and no one else.
Amba goes
Amba climbs many mountains and braves many hardships but she is unable to find Parshuram. She falls down a cliff but even that does not reduce her determination to seek revenge.
In the distance she here some sages coming and chanting shiva chants. The sage does shiva pooja. Amba recognizes him as Lord Parshuram. She scrams his name and pleads for help. Parshuram comes to her and chants the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. Immediately Amba’s pain lessens.
He asks her why she has come to this place, She says she wants justice, That she has heard he had killed many Kshatriya for justice. He says yes times till I realized revenge and justice is not the same thing and justice not revenge can remove the unjust. He has realized that emptying a cup does not redice the emptiness , only filling it can do so. If you have been ill-treated go to Hastinapur and tell my beloved disciple . He will get you justice.
Amba says Bheeshma has dome the injustice to her. Parshuram does not believe her and moves back. He says this is untrue . For once the sky can fall on earth but Bheeshma cannot be unjust. Parshuram starts to walk away. Amba again pleads. She says he ruined my life. Parshuram does not listem. He enters a cave and the door closes behind him.
Amba says that she will keep screaming till justice comes to her
In Hastinapur Vichitraveerya is being crowned King.He seems a bit uncomfortable. Satyavari tells his daughters-In -Law that they are very lucky, They will be wueens for a long time and God knows why their sister gave up her chance.
Vichitraveerya moves towards the throne but his feet become unstable .Ambalika tells satyavati that it seems he is not feeling well. Satyavati tells her not to talk inauspicious things
Suddenly Vichitraveerya coughs up blood, falls to the ground and dies
Lord Krishna in his closing remarks says that sometimes we make plans but life has other plans for us. And if we stick to plans gone astray and stop living and get stuck on only that one incidant then life can become intolerable hence we should not het stuck at one point in life.



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