SHANI EPISODE 6 - 14th Nov 2016 Written Description

Shani comes out from another side of the earth. The kid manages to free himself. He is relieved to see Shani fine too. Asura frees himself. Shani says see even earth does not give shelter to those who are too egoistic. He begins to walk away. The kid follows him, fearing the Asura.
Chhaya keeps calling out for Shani. Where are you son?
Asura pulls the kid using his power. Kid shouts for help from his friend. Shani steps on the power because of which the Asura fails. He ends up falling down on earth.
Kid chases Shani. Asura attacks the kid yet again. Shani notices him losing conscious. He runs in the strom (caused by the Asura) and pulls the kid down safely. He makes him lie down and looks at the Asura. He shouts loud. Kid looks on in shock. Asura is shocked by the power of the Shani’s
shout. He screams Gurudev and then blasts into pieces. Asura dies. Shani looks on.
Surya Dev heads to his throne.
Shani is walking but stops. The kid is following him. Shani tells him to return to his home now as he is safe. Kid says everyone threw me out of the house only. They call me inauspicious. They say, wherever I go, something goes wrong. This is false. No one falls in any problem because of me. Shani turns and looks at a rock. It falls down. Kid smiles. I meant that it never happens always. Something goes wrong with someone once in a while for sure. I am not bad though. Can we be friends? He extends his hand towards Shani but he walks away. Kid feels bad. You think it is a sin to touch me too and that I am inauspicious? You are leaving me as I am ugly? Shani denies. It is because problems follow me always! You aren’t impure but most pure. He keeps his hands on the kid’s shoulders. You are wheatish in complexion but you have a beautiful heart inside. The kid feels a different energy in himself after Shani’s touch. He smiles seeing his body glowing. Friend, your touch gave a new power. This is a sign that I should be with you.
Chhaya continues to look for Shani. She suddenly notices that sun has started to rise and is shocked. Come back son. Sun is about to rise.
Surya Dev starts the process of sunrise. He lets out his energies /rays in the sky.
Shani feels something wrong too.
Chhaya keeps running looking for Shani.
Shani hurries back towards the jungle. He reaches the edge of the mountain and can see sun high in the sky. He takes a few steps back as he decides to jump down in the jungle. Sun has almost risen. Chhaya notices Shani running. She shouts seeing him jump. Shani’s friend follows Shani and holds Shani. Shani notices the sun as he sits on the back of the crow. Sun rises fully in the sky. Shani reaches jungle just in time with the help of his friend.

The kid comes in his human form. Thank you. Shani replies that the one whose life has been saved thanks the other. My life has been saved by you. I should thank you. He senses his mother coming there. Shani advises the kid again to stay away from him. Leave. Kid flies away.

Chhaya begins to scold Shani but he himself accepts his mistake. I went against your order. He holds his stick for her. I will accept your punishment. She takes the stick from him. he extends his hand. She raises her hand but then drops the stick on the ground. She hugs her son. why don’t you understand son? I was so scared. You got hurt yesterday and today! Why did you step out of the jungle? He replies that someone else needed him. She reasons that it isn’t his responsibility to be a part of everyone’s problems. He says responsibilities are to be understood. We must take a stand against something which is going wrong. She calls it a task to be taken care of Gods who made the world. He says world is too big. Gods have other responsibilities too. She says Mahadev is there. He understands his responsibilities well. He replies that maybe MAhadev is waiting for us to realise our responsibilities. Maybe he wants us to take charge and use our powers. She asks him why he wants to take that chance. he says I dint choose it myself. Chance has chosen me. I have chosen to help the one who needs help. I will bring the wrong / sinners on the right path. A mother always worries for her kids’ safety but I am sure my mother will be proud of my choice. Sun has risen. It is time for your prayers. He goes. Chhaya stands there bit shocked by his words. She thinks to leave now.
Surya Dev is surprised to see Indra Dev so early. Indra Dev says I was eager to come last night itself but dint want to intervene. Surya Dev says what happened. Indra Dev replies that Gods had to be defeated for the first time by Gods too. My two servants tried to bring a tree to Swarg Loka but a kid in your Loka attacked them.
Shani looks at the stone as he sits alone. Someone is keeping an eye on him. He notices some movements in the bushes. Who is it? The same kid steps out smiling at him. Shani asks him why he dint leave. Kid says where I could go. I told you I was thrown out of the house. Please keep me here with you. Shani looks at him pointedly. Kid says I will walk around with you a little. Shani says I love peace / silence. Kid says silence makes you think too much. One must have a friend who. Shani reasons that friends hinder our decisions. They come as our power but make us weak instead. I don’t need any friend.
Surya Dev is in thoughts. Indra Dev says it happened in your Loka so I had to come to ask you only for a clear idea. Surya Dev says it is my turn to ask for a clarification. I cannot believe it that Indra Loka’s people have begun to steal things from Surya Loka. Isn’t it called stealing? Indra Dev agrees. My people have been punished too. But my question is who that kid who could attack my Gandharvas was? It can surely not be any ordinary kid.


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