Mahabharat Episode 207 - 6th June 2014

Arjun was thinking about Krishna’s word n y Pitamaha Bheeshma need to die, he felt emotional..later he noticed his soldiers brothers, sons all r smiling but Arjun gradually becoming more emotional .Krishna noticed the change in Arjun…
Arjun went to Weapon room n worship Weapons, his Gandiv…
1st day of War of Kurukshetrea when Arjun heard the sound of chariot n horse n then noticed his maadhav s coming with all ready…
Krishna smiles at Arjun who still look confuse …Arjun asked Maadhav when Krishna replied ur chariot is ready n ur saarthi also.
yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham
Arjun said u can’t be my saarthi when Krishna said u don’t trust me but m best saarthi…
Arjun said u can’t sit below when Krishna said don’t be…I’m sitting infront of u n I will always control this chariot n ur mind to give u correct path… the war is for life or whatever m the better Saarhi…

Kaurava r worshiping Lord shiva…Kaurava r ready for the war…
KArna is there when all ignore but Duryodhon stop n said I will wait for u , until u took ur weapon the win will be nothing for me…
Karna replied my soul always will stay with u…though m physically will be absent from war field…
In pandav side, uppandav, Ahimanyu Draupadi, Subhadra , Krishna all r worshiping Kal Bhairav…
Pandav came there …
Pandav , Uppandav n Abhimanyu offer their weapon n ready for the war …
Up-Pandav n Abhimanyu took blessing from Draupadi…
Draupdi look tensed n sad for Abhimanyu who console Draupadi… Abhimanyu n Uttara look at each other.
Prince uttar said to Arjun he will be back after winning .Kunti came n bless Pandav…
Arjun said may be it’s last but Kunti console n boost up Arjun’s confidence …
All gather in Kurukshetra when Krishna said to Yudisthir give the order of attack
Yudisthir order his sarthi to took the chariot forward when all r waiting but Arjun look tensed n Krishna noticed it when Yudisthir put his weapon in the soil n all look tensed n dusashan n duryodhon r smiling …
Dusashan is laughing n mocking Yudisthir when Duryodhon said the time of asking forgiveness long gone away but if u want to safe ur army then accept defeat…
Sakuni said to Bheeshma u r tie up with Hastinapur whe Yudisthir said before the start of Dharm Yudh , we can’t leave Dharam n we want ur order for starting the war…
Yudisthir took the soil of Kurukshetra n smeared it on his forehead n said Bheeshma pitamaha u r elder , u brough us but now it’s time for us to stand up against u n raise weapon against u give us roder for the war or give us order to leave weapon...



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