Mahabharat Episode 254 - 31st July 2014

The episode begins with, kunti comes to war field she finds huge no. Of dead soldiers she tries finding karna, kunti finds him laying on ground waiting for his death she falls down as she rushes to him, karna smiles seeing kunti near him, kunti embraces him, karna says u came here n free me from all my sins now,arjun says why is mother mourning at enemies death,Krishna says enemity is over n time to know some truth, arjun says wat truth, Krishna says go ask mata kunti, kunti says i never got the opportunity to hug u take u in my arms, karna says i did have mother radha n could never give u happiness of son plz take my head in ur laps, kunti does so, p\all pandu brothers arrive n shocked to see karna n kunti,bheem says he is our enemy mother, kunti says he wasn’t enemy instead i was karnas enemy who gave him lifetime struggle, nakul says mata wat r u saying this guy always against ur sons n killed abhimanyu n ghatotkach, kunti says it was his promise he will keep my 5 sons alive n so he didn’t kill anyone of u, yudishtir says mata plz be prĂ©cised, karna says no mata plz don’t speak, sacrifice happiness pride is all greatest thing for humans n now im abt to die so plz u don’t tell orelse u n me we both will lose it, kunti says no son u have faced this bcoz of my mistake n for the truth if my sons give me any punishment i shall accept it happily, arjun says mother plz tell the truth its killing me plz tell wat u are talking abt, kunti says it was before marriage i didn’t know the power of mantras n karna was lord suryas son n i had to leave him, radha n vaishali arrive n go to karna, radha says kunti u took my so away from me n karna ur my son n not this devils son, karna says radha ma im ur son, don’t say anything abt mata kunti, radha says why shdnt i n kunti do u know anything abt my son n now u call him ur son, karna says mata radha if mata kunti hadn’t quit me, wouldn’t get mu radha ma, see look at vasudeev he has two mothers so do i, shadev says mata is karna ur son, kunti says yes son karna is ur elder brother, arjun feels bad abt every bad word he had spoken abt karna n so does bheem, nakul, yudishtir says this is adharma mata why didn’t u tell us mata karna wasn’t sin he was purity, bheem says whole life i have been insulting my elder brother, arjun says very big mistake n sin i have done elder brother karna, karna says its bcoz i wanted so to make myself great n smiles n says see u trapped me to kill me dear brother.

