Mahabharat Episode 211 - 11th June 2014

The episode begins with Krishna says to arjun that after this you will obtain happiness or you may become sad and arjun says i will obtain both and Krishna says something in Sanskrit.this because of result of this battle parth . if your father would not have taken sanyas then yudhiter would be rulinig his kingdom in peace. Man my do anything says Krishna weather it is love or hatred towards his family.
Become free from this battle try to protect what you have got not what your geting. Your work is only to do your job hard.listen arjun says Krishna it wil cause extra damage if you become greedy. Work doing people only listens to pamatma. Again Krishna says something in Sanskrit and explains to arjun that due to hunger a person loses his tempor and becomes enemy of the world as big brother duryodhans senapati bhisma is his only enemy as he gave you blessings. Fix yourself in your aatma and you will achieve your goal.

By praying to god a feeling grows in him that is bhakti and you have to do the same. Arjun says that but how i will do my samarpan towards god. Krishna says that as the taste of one piece of salt is same as the taste of whole sea. Arjun says that means you are god then ican come to your sharan Krishna says that yes i am the whole world you can sacrifice your everything and come to me. I am only arjun i am only duryodhan says Krishna.

How is that possible your mother who gave you birth is still alive. Your taking only of body says Krishna i am taking of atma i have taken many births and will be taking birth in future to destroy the adharmis. Krishna says that iam god parshuram Vishnu. I am everything and i am nothing too.



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