Mahabharat Episode 266 - 14th August 2014

The episode begins with, ashvathamas brahmastra goes n strucks uttara , uttara yells in pain, subhadra n draupadi are shocked, krishna says evil ashvathma u never used ur powers wisely , today u have committed a sin which no one had committed n so u will be punished with pain greater than kansa ravan shakuni n othe evil people, krishna with his sudarshan chakra attack ashvathama n says ashvathama u never feared death n now i curse u to live a long life no one will help u every moment u will beg for death but u will never get it.

Uttara yells in pain , yudishtir n pandavas with krishna arrive near uttara, subhadra says uttara nothing will happen to u, yudishtir says draupadi our future is destroyed ashvathama has attacked uttaras womb with brahmastra, draupadi says what kind of justice this krishna, subhadra says please help my abhimanyus child brother krishna, krishna says calm down sister ppandavas future is worlds future n i will not let anything happen to the future, krishna keeps hand on uttaras stomach n says i vasudev krishna with all my good deeds , give rebirth to uttaras womb, uttara goes calm, krishna says today abhimanyus child with rebirth in his mother’s womb has been pure , the child was subjected to examination by gods n so he will be called parikshit.

Pandavas arrange funeral to all the dead , krishna n drauapdi look at it in tears, draupadi says krishna u said this was for good n for good we need to sacrifice but to this extent, krishna says are u sad abt this wars conduct, draupadi says wat shd i answer , i know this was for good but the loss is killing me, when u said my all sons will die i knew that it will hurt me but this pain is like cutting myself in parts, yes krishna why did we conduct this war why didn’t u purify humans by some magic, krishna says i wish i could, dharma or adhrama is decided by humans n no one can change it other than by the humans themselves, humans with their powers prayers used it in a wrong way n when the people see their king supporting adharma they join the path as well, gandhar hastinapur mastya n all other big kings no one followed dharma n adharma had reached its peak n so all these kings died, draupadi says didn’t we have anyother means why this war, krishna says no draupadi like when a tree gives rotten fruits u need to replace it with a new one n this is wat this war has done, today this world has bathe with blood n purified itself, draupadi says wat abt us , krishna says ur born out of fire n ur husbands are born out of mantras, n this war is for wat u were given a life for,n draupadi this sacrifice was not only ur or ur families but of the whole world n so forget ur sadness n enjoy the new sun raise n points to raising sun.



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