Mahabharat Episode 236 - 10th July 2014

The episode begins with, bheem looks at kauravas chakravyu n says only arjun can break it n so is he kept away from filed, abhimanyu says to bheem he can break it n give him orders to do so,bheem denies saying he is kid n not fair. Uttara tells draupadi that she feels that abhimanyu life is in danger , draupadi says don’t worry till he has my rakshakavach no one can farm him in mean while a dasi enters with abhimanyus kavach saying it she found it, draupadi n uttara are shocked to see it n uttara goes unconscious, on field abhimanyu says he knows the entrance to chakravyu but shadev says u don’t know the exit so stay here, abhimanyu keeps asking for permission to enter ,maharaj drupad says don’t worry i shall try n destroy the chakravyu.

Doctor says the reason behind uttaras unconsciousness is that she is pregnant , draupadi informs about this to subhadra both are happy to hear abt it,subhadara says my son abhimanyu will be very happy to hear this when he returns back, draupadi asks a das to bring updates from war field .
Dushsan informs guru dron that drupad is succeeding to destroy the chakravyu, duryodhan says this means we will lose the chance of killing abhimanyu, mamashri says don’t worry abhimanyu will surely be killed.

Draupadi prays lord mahadev to care of abhimanyu, im not praying for whole life but atleast one day so that he can hear abt uttara, das comes n informs abt drupad destroying chakravyu , draupadi smiles n asks das to call abhimanyu n thanks lord mahadev.

Drupad proceeds destroying chakravyu n sindhuraj stops him, drupadi says u cant stop me,sindhuraj says i cant but my blessings of lord mahadev will stop me n no one else other than arjun can stop me so beware sinduraj attacks on maharaj dhrupad.shakuni says that now abhimanyu should come in between. Abhimanyu says that i can stop the chakraview till sunset. Please give me chance to do this.

Nakul says bheem abhimanyu is right he can help us destroy chakravyu,bheem request yudishtir to give abhimanyu a chance yudishtir agrees n says go ahead abhimanyu n we shall be behind u protecting u.
Duryodhan says so abhimanyu is entering lets welcome him n those pandavas will beg to save abhimanyus life. Draupadi waits for abhimanyu das comes n informs abhimanyu is entering the chakravyu n so he couldn’t come.

Abhimanyu enters chakravyu destroying the chakravyu, duryodhan says abhimanyu is entering go karna finish him.



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